Computational Structural Mechanics Training

Introductory Course:
Developing Compute-efficient, Quality Models with LS-PrePostĀ® 3 on the TRACC Cluster
Oct. 21-22, 2010
Argonne TRACC

Dr. Cezary Bojanowski
Dr. Ronald F. Kulak
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 The LS-PrePost Introductory Course was held October 21-22, 2010 at TRACC in West Chicago with interactive participation on-site as well as remotely via the Internet. Intended primarily for finite element analysts with prior knowledge of LS-DYNA, the course focused on the early stage of model development within LS-PrePost including geometry cleanup, mesh quality control and model checking tasks. The primary goal of the course was to introduce software capabilities with an emphasis on applying these capabilities to build computationally efficient models. All introduced techniques and tools were illustrated through simple hands-on examples. Also presented were specifics for running and tracking LS-DYNA jobs on the TRACC cluster in our newly developed graphical mode.


Table of ContentsAdobe Connect Recording Links
Day 1 - October 21, 2010
1a. Welcome Remarks, Dr. Hubert Ley, Director of TRACC 
1b. Computational Structural Mechanics, Dr. Ronald F. Kulak
URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
2. Overview of LS-PrePost 3 New Interface, Dr. Cezary Bojanowski URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
3. Creating and Editing Geometry URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
4. Geometry Cleanup URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
5. Creating and Editing Meshes, Selected Meshing Rules URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
6. Introduction to 2D Mesher URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
Day 2 - October 22, 2010
1. Introduction to Block Mesher URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
2. Dummy Positioning and Seatbelt Fitting Tools URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
3. Model Checking: Mesh Quality Checking, Model Checking Tools URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
4. Model Checking: Initial Penetration Checking URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo
5. Tools for Submitting and Tracking LS-DYNA Jobs on TRACC's Cluster URL for Viewing: adobeconnectlogo