Archived Webinar Announcement

Webinar for the Intelligent Transportation Society of the Midwest (ITS Midwest)
May 16, 2011 1:00 PM(CST)

Hubert Ley
Director, TRACC
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois

High Performance Computing in Transportation Research - High Fidelity Transportation Models and More

The Role of High-Performance Computing
Because ITS relies on a very diverse collection of technologies, including communication and control technologies, advanced computing, information management systems, and sensors and instrumentation, high-performance computing can help integrate the multiple ITS components. High-performance computing can also evaluate the ITS impact on the transportation system through detailed simulations that couple the transportation system response with the flow of information between transportation system, transportation agencies, various sensors and traffic management tools, and the travelers.


Intelligent Transportation Systems require the integration of multiple components and state-of-the art computing and communications technologies.

Speaker Bio
Hubert Ley is the director of the Transportation Research and Analysis Computing Center at Argonne National Laboratory.
TRACC operates the largest high performance computing cluster for the US Department of Transportation, and has been
established as a technology transfer organization supporting the research priorities of the US Department of Transportation.
Hubert Ley was previously the team leader for transportation research at TRACC and has worked with TRANSIMS for about four years. His background is in the development of scientific research tools and applications, such as advanced user interfaces and web-based communication technology. He worked for 15 years as a nuclear engineer at Argonne National Laboratory, mostly on modeling and simulation of nuclear fuels and severe reactor accidents. He was also the principal investigator assigned to building the computing and networking infrastructure for the International Nuclear Safety Centers across the former Soviet Union, and for establishing the Asian Nuclear Safety Network communication infrastructure in many countries across Asia, a project where Dr. Ley served as a technical consultant to the International Atomic Energy Agency and the US Department of Energy. Dr. Ley shifted his work towards high performance cluster operations based on his experience in scientific computing, and is directing the research efforts in scientific computing and managing the user facility operations at TRACC.


The presentation will also be broadcast over the Internet (using Adobe Connect) at

Contact:  Hubert Ley, 630 252-5200, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.